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Guided Poetry

Writer's picture: unitingconciousnesunitingconciousnes

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

Consciousness at it's best!

We thought we had enough but we wanted more

Creation is always craving for ways to explore

Craving for more experiences

Craving for more adventures into the unknown

Wanting to do more, to know more

Wanting to be more of what our endless imagination can create

Exploring all the aspects of self awareness in this now and all other now moments across creation in this multi dimensional intergalactic system of existence.

Dreaming when we are awake and awake when we are asleep

Tapping into other dimensions of realities of infinite probabilities of possibilities

Lifetimes of being a soldier flying space crafts and doing missions. Healing a whole village with the power within your hands. Meeting with multidimensional galactic beings from star systems only accessible through consciousness. Partying with the Mer People in their underwater world, where dolphins and whales through their sweet songs, memorise you into a state of Satsang

Communicating telepathically and knowing exactly what each other is thinking. How amazing! It is better than speaking.

A world where down is up and up is down however perfectly normal, for this is what the experience of that expression is about.

Endless probabilities of possibilities how could one not want more. Infinite beings of creation we are and so much more!!

The New Dawn

So we enter into the new dawn with our hearts, thoughts and emotions of a better world. Seeing all that had come to the surface to be looked at and to help us clear away an old paradigm. We all experienced loss in so many ways however even in that pain it has made us stronger and a more unified human race. There is still work to do, as we are not all in board just yet, but as we begin to see the results of a better reality we are co-creating with eachother then the clearer the choice becomes. Together we stand, back to back and face to face. Lighting up the new dawn which has come to show us a better way. Our children are looking up to us and are helping in their own very special way, to raise the vibration of the collective and allowing us to be on our way. We welcome the new dawn with joy and gratitude in our hearts. With the knowing within our very soul that this is what we have been waiting for.

Being The Observer

As the gentle breeze flickers the blades of grass with the dew of the night now shimmering in the early morning golden sun. Autumn leaves imbedded within the blades of grass and scattered outwards to the edge of the path.

Naked branches seem to point their bony fingers, outstretched as if saying look over there.

The bushy tailed squirrel moves swiftly through the branches as it makes it's way across the rows of nearby houses.

The birds are chirping however in a gentle and soft way, like a calm morning alarm welcoming the new day.

Sea gulls and pigeons are scouting the grounds for their morning treat of insects who have surfaced to escape the melting frost.

In the distance hear the roar of the city with it's cars, buses and trucks. The sound of excuvators and diggers erecting even more structures.

The bang bang of workmen on stories high of scaffolding. Talking loudly to their fellow work mates about their adventures of last night's dates . Building building building. They never seem to stop. As I look up I can clearly see the patch of sky above me. The air planes on their descending and ascending where the airstrip never sleeps.

The sounds of trains across the way as they go to and fro, with precious cargo. Not many people around as it is early morning. Some on their day off enjoying a well deserved the lay in.

The wind is picking up now and the chill of the icy air hits my cheeks however the sight of the bright light of the sun helps me to appreciate the emerging spring.

Shadows now being cast as the Earth slowly moves. Shifting the sun higher into the sky, reflecting off widows on apartment blocks which towers over the high street North. Appreciating the little patch where I can still see the sky, another air plane passing by. Now the people begin to emerge and on with their way the start their day's journey's. It's my day off to have a rest, to sit in nature and observe the rest. Oh! here comes a splatter of rain I better skedaddle. Off home now to boil the kettle.

The New Mother

She paces backwards and forwards with her baby firmly and lovingly strapped to her chest. She is overwhelm by all the emotions of the hormones corsing through her body. Reduced to tears and a feeling of being over come. A tear streaks down her cheeks as she tries to pull herself together. Her heart knows that she loves this little soul who is resting on her chest and will fight with all her might and to her last breath. To protect, love and care for she knows that she is Mama Bear.

The love will hold you together dear one, even though it seems you are the only one. Know that you are never alone as your guardian angel is always close to give you the strength to straighten your divine backbone.

Just call out and help will arrive, however be patient to let go the emotions that swirl inside. Help always comes, just believe that is here and before you know it those strong emotions will start to disappear.

You are brave, you are protected in love. You are not alone.

A Souls Journey

We embody avatars to help us walk this plain.

Seeking thrilling adventures even if it causes pain

How do I explain?

The essence of you and I are only fractals of what this body can hold.

For you and I are a part of a bigger oversoul.

Able to split off from itself into fractals across time and space

Learning and experiencing in all and many ways

Your oversoul always seeking to find the next phase

With evolution in it's consciousness as something to be achieved

It goes leaps and bounds to gather what it needs

Incarnating in these avatars called humans

is far the most adventurous of all

Developing from tiny cells which becomes a form and teaching it how to walk and crawl

Many across the universe are in awe of this tremendous leap some of us take

For they know the bounds of which we will have face

Forgetting all you ever knew and experienced to gain that prize of evolution

Even the hard times will not deter this consciousness

For it will return again and again to fulfil it's biggest most adventurous quest.

My Guides

I hear my operating system as it processes frequencies of sound vibrations

With every influx of a solar wave, my ears prick up in cat ear twitching motions.

They twitch and move all on their own

Tuning in to every conceivable change be it high or be it low.

A constant sound wave that is always in the background

So noticeable, if it ever stopped I would experience instant stillness.

Some say it's a ringing in the ear

However I prefer to believe it's my guides and angels who are near

Hearing their frequencies is a comfort to me,

As they send guidance in the form of energy.

Energies which amplifies in meditation or on my way to sleep.

Even as I awake I can hear it still so very deep.

Gentle tingles in my face lets me know my questions are being heard

I just need to allow now and wait for the answers to unfold.

Through synchronicities, that is how they will come

Who knew connecting with my guides could be such fun.

A gentle poke now and again, yet another sign of communication for me

Gentle voices in a distance helping me to remember to get on with the things I need

Gentle breath of a friendly dragon blowing air past my ear

To help me wake up to start my day... I don't need and alarm clock with this guide by my side holding me in his dearest care.

My guide who helps with my writing expression I see her with long flowing white silver hair and a face like a fairy,

petite and fair.

The colour of her eyes are green and love permeates from them it's like a dream.

Then my protector and guardian guide who never leaves my side. Ensuring my day goes smooth as I follow in his steps and loving guide.

My day to day guide who helps me stay on top of things. Being a human mum is no little thing!!

I dedicate these sound frequency vibrations to my guides, yes all four of you who are by my side.

Thank you for the signs and synchronicities too. I am glad you all found ways to send these through.

I send you all eternal love and gratitude. I know on a soul level you all would help me achieve the things I wanted to do. I promise I will keep listening and looking for all you send my way for I know all is done for my very best and that I am special to you all each in your very own way. Thank you well done! We make a great team. I look forward to more co-creations as I continue this dream.

Who Am I?

Who are you to me? A reflection I see.

It is no coincidence,

how others show up in your reality to share lessons of confidence.

Always learning and co-creating.

We haved done this before it's all in the remembering.

Do you think you are learning the piano

or is it a remembering of a time space long ago?

What about the way you wear your hair?

Is it what you are taught or were you a rich and famous heir.

Who are you to me? A reflexion I see.

A mirror to show me what I do not like

and makes me think about my actions when I am in fight or flight.

Highlighting my flaws to make them better and creating new ideas which may some day be a trend setter.

The Wonders of Nature

I see my breath exhaled into the autumn morning as a smoky mist as it floats off into nothingness.

The wooden A frame covered in overnight dew and spider webs also seems to breathe as the early morning sun heats it up then it too also releases a smoky mist which floats off into nothingness.

Magpies and Blue Tits tweet and scurry around the autumn trees of burnt orange, yellow and green. Highlighted by the early morning sun as each branch gets their turn to bask in the warmth.

The dewy green grass spreads over the path like a sparkling blanket of diamonds. Shining brightly with all the light it captures from the sun.

Autumn leaves imbedded in this grass like islands in the ocean.

A few green flies take off and land as the scavenge the left overs on the gravel path.

The morning is calm but not for long as the town begins to bustle. Cars, planes and trains are now on their way to the destinations people have chosen. Yet in a small park in east London nature can still be observed.

A group of pigeons are on the look out for anyone who will drop them a bite for they have adapted to this city life.

I will get on with my day now. It is my son's 11th birthday and I have 40 cupcakes to make and decorate.

One more aeroplane just took off as it's roar echoes across the sky. Off I go now with warm cheeks from the morning sun as it continues to climb up into the sky or so it seems.

Autumn Full Moon

As the big bright autumn full moon creeps over the back of a tall tree. It seems to play hide and seek with the leaves and branches. An aeroplane flies by giving the perspective of how large the moon appears to be on the backdrop of the evening sky over east London. After days of rain it is now Sunday and the temperature is chilly however the wind is mild and the sky is clear. Full front row view of the full moon as I watch it from my kitchen window. Slowing creeping up over the top of the tree in it's ascending point now and showing itself to me in all it's glory.

Higher and higher it rises, becoming even brighter as the darkness of the sky increases into the evening. It floats effortlessly like a large orb showing the patches of grey scattered over the face of it. It seems to float in stillness yet with every blink of my eyes I know it has moved a little higher. It has set a course for North and seems to shine even brighter now.

A strip of grey clouds slowly glide by and seems to be descending below the bright round orb and gracefully disappears off to the left as if on it's way to an appointment with time to spare.

Now incoming is a larger batch of grey clouds which passes right in front of the moon. It now looks faint as you would see the sun on overcast days.

It engulfs the brightness and all I can see now is a round blob of faint light. It has however managed to keep it's roundness and a silhouette of it's appearance.

Upwards and upwards it continues north doing what it does best. Shining as brightly as it can to support the Earth and it's inhabitants who depends upon it's energy.

Sending love to you dear moon. I see you and you see me as we connect energetically.

Now totally swallowed by more and more clouds rushing in. Peeping through every chance it gets to shine. Farewell and see you soon. I always feel blessed by the light of the moon.

New Earth Story

I am so happy and grateful for 2023. I am so happy to see what is waiting for me.

I look forward to all the new adventures and co-creations with nature and how bright it will be in the future.

I am so happy and grateful for this new year when we will sing songs and have good cheer

When we unite together in consciousness and bring more of the collective to this awareness

I look forward to seeing nations getting along

and learn from the past for it has been far too long.

Seeing children play safely and free

No more lockdowns or quarantines.

Clean air, clean water and clean food. This is the proper way to raise a healthy brood.

Birds singing sweetly and nesting in trees for they now know their home is no longer threatened by chemicals and dis-ease.

Free energy, clean energy . Technology to be released to assist humanity.

A long time we have waited as returned souls to support this resolution

and finally we can sign off on this repetitive confusion.

We look forward to the New Earth story. The one awaited by so many. Generation after generation. Incarnation after incarnation. We can all finally rest in peace and enjoy what we collectively have worked for to create this masterpiece. Well done, good job to all of you whether you are new born or taking your last few. We are extra super proud of you.

Sharing in the celebrations, intergalactic, star, councils and federations. All proud to be a part of these solutions.

As the vibration of victory echoes across the universe

even the angels turn up to sing a verse.

Hallelujah! Let peace reign for sovereign beings of light have remembered their names. They have regained their freedom across infinite plains and completed the cycle which ends suffering and pains.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Let peace reign!

And so it is


And when it seems like nothingness, look deeper within and there you will find everything.

For in the not knowing there is all knowledge. Find the peace which allows you to be free.

Like a child who does not accept the projection place on it's being.

Love yourself first and there you will learn how to give love unconditionally.

In this now present, this now future, this now past. Co-existing lows on a fork. Individually and at the same time collectively.

I am you, you are me, we are they, they are we.

Plants, flowers, trees, rocks and stones. All are one.

Birds, fish, rivers and seas. Mountains as far as the eyes can see. Stardust scattered across the universe. Ice, metal, gas. Our galactic brothers and sisters across the universe and the multidimensional spaces of time and no time and beyond. We are all linked together in the great bond. I am you, you are me, we are they, they are we.

Free you are!

And with that thought, followed idea after idea. Springs forth creativity! Weaving and sewing. Patching and bonding. The works of manifesting with the mind.

Imagine, believe and see your brilliant mind working together with your soul to achieve mastery in all areas you wish to do so.

Instant manifestation, bio-locating, astral travels to where time does not exist.

Another life simultaneously co-creating through quantum possibilities and infinite probabilities.

How powerful an idea can become. Creating universes and worlds without limits. Free your thoughts, free your mind, free yourself from the invisible chains and mental restrains. Connect with your thoughts today.

Humanity- Humans Endurance, not for the swift. Fruits of labour are grown and matured over sometimes a very long period of time. Humanity is one of those fruits. Thought of, cultivated and tended for thousands and thousands of years to bring fourth and within elements working harmoniously together. Refined and retuned. Recalibrated and upgraded to form the most sophisticated biology in the universe. Able to hold and maintain complex pieces of universal information within it's structure. Recording and storing every single minute piece of this puzzle within that, is capable of telling a story of how the universe works. It's building blocks, components, codes, resonance and consciousness. Yes! Humanity-humans. The keepers of the meaning of existence. The unknowing participants in the greatest achievement of the whole while universe combined. From a thought, look what can be achieved. Take care of yours. It is capable of creating a whole new universe

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